Amplifying the Voices of Educators Worldwide!


Universal Narrative is a human-focused company that hosts a bi-monthly educational podcast in which educators from all over the world are interviewed about critical issues in education. Some of these topics include race in education, social justice education, globalization, TESOL education, universal ways of knowing, teacher preparation, culturally responsive leadership, etc.


Universal Narratives also offers consultancy services to a wide range of audiences including schools, universities, faith-based programs, NGOs and academic programs. 
Our unique approach focuses on amplifying the voices of everyone regardless of their background. We strive to empower individuals and help organizations meet the specific needs of the populations they serve. 
In Universal Narratives, we do not attempt to speak on behalf of others. We simply “pass the mic.” Our role is to help educators all over the world reflect, share knowledge and excel in their pursuit of equitable teaching and learning solutions.